
Используются Romy для S2

Нашел еще Vitamin Q/
– Винтажный томный звук с худшей ясностью чем у Дженснов во всех вариантах.

..... Много плюсов и много минусов у витимина, требуется повнимательней с ним поработать
Сергей Банковский

а витамин КУ ещё лучше (чем Jensen и Multicap), а довоенные Сименсы ещё лучше.

The Vitamins Q short survival guide
Yes, it is a common deal and it is possible very frequently to get a bunch of the Vitamins Q for very little money. Thanks God that no one from Sprague pay (paid) to market-makers to drool about the Vitamins’s sound and therefore the wide majority of Morons do not know about the Vitamins Q’s sound. Also, what keeps the Vitamins Q in shadow is the fact that they sound extremely horrible for a first 5–6 days…

There are two type of low voltage Vitamins: withy chasses connected and chasses lifted. I prefer the chasses (the body of the cap lifted). Also the 1uF Vitamins are not 1uF but very slightly less. If you put 8 of them together then you will not have 8uF but more likely somewhere like 7.5uF. Have a few small values Vitamins ready to parallel them with the rest bundle in order to get the exact value you need.

Another very interesting idiosyncrasy of the Vitamins is that they most likely love current. The Vitamins do very fine in speaker-level crossover but when they use in line–level as coupling caps then do not do well. Listen many Shindo units and you will hear what I mean.

Also you will see some sealers advertise this caps as “Vitamins Q” but they are not the Vitamins Q. They have a very similar contrition and identical “vintage” look but they have no letter “Q” on them. There were a number of companies that did them (I have a many of them) but those caps have no Sprague “Vitamins Q” impregnation. Therefore always ask for a picture of the caps you buy or a conformation that it has the “Q” written on them. I anticipate that if the Vitamins’ popularity will go up then we will see some counterfeited caps with Vitamins Q making….

Rgs, Romy the caT

Dan, those 1000V caps must not be used under any circumstances, even they are with Vitamin Q impregnation. Even the 400V cap is too bad for speaker level and you need to go for 100V caps. The film caps with excessive voltage are not good but they sound more or less OK, however the oil caps with excessive voltage are horrible. In fact the old cap should be use at very max of their voltage, even with a near excessive voltage. The cap will be fine as the oil will self-heal the conductor. The Hovlands are very zippy caps and it is why the Morons love them in audio. It is possible that within very dull sounding undervoltaged Vitamins the present of the Hovlands you found beneficial…. But why do not use a normally sounding cap in the first place?

Rgs, Romy

Vitamin Q это низкомолекулярный полиизобутилен (типа резины) имеет Е около 2 – неполярная пропитка.
Хлорированные дифенилы полярные пропитки с Е 5–8, «при постоянном поле они склонны к разложению, токсичны», так писал в книге «Конденсаторы» друг папы АМЛа Ренне В.Т.